"get a grip of yourself. you can chose if you want to be happy or sad"
i think it went that way. well. that was possibly the most useful thing anyone has said to me today. but the irony of it all was the person who said it to me. loll. i couldnt quite look straight at the face of the person who said that to me. no idea. but yea. But then again, sometimes, there are things that happen to you. Things that no matter how hard you try to take your mind off and be as happy as possible, you just end up being down. And contrary to what a few of you think, its not that. really. i can assure you. and the p word is plural. yea.
anyway. a wee little thing happened. that made me utterly hysterical for the rest of the training. and then, while i was going home with kaswin, i think i utterly tortured him to bits. but i did treat him mcdonalds dinner. haha.
took train home. and then, at dhoby gaut; i saw her. i was like oh my gawd! is that really her? i stopped to say hi. kaswin walked on down the platform. i had a small chat. but then i remembered abt kapitan. i probably did the dumbest thing i ever did. i said cyaz around and i went to kaswin. oh my gawd! i felt bad for ditching him. but the opportunity cost was like damn bloody low. hah. in fact after that, i became even more x10 hysterical and i tortured kaswin even more and i didnt let him sleep on the train reminding him what i did for him.
even though it wasnt really his fault and i have already forgiven him, i would never be able to forgive kaswin. haha. contradictory. but true. end of story. move on dude. it ended a long time ago. you cant keep living in a dream as good as it sounds. and if it didnt help much, i saw him. oh well. he didnt look like a loser. and i'm happy. no hard feeling mate. *crosses finger.
but i have not much time left to worry about these things. besides i have chem tutorial to do. mr wong seems to get pissed whenever we dont do our work. besides, i have to do math tutorial which i will conveniently forget. heh. sorry mdm low. ):
and i think i'm a really good detective/investigator/whatever. i mean come on. i keep taking notice of things. and i form theories. theories that are surprisingly accurate. i mean, when a frieng of mine told me something, and i when home to ponder about it, all the little patterns that i have been subconciously noticing came out and everything made perfect sense. whether its a simple conversation or a cryptic blog entry, i can eventually crack it. given i know the person enough. haha.
but first. to be a good detective. i must get the look. and this definitely is a cool suave look. though i might need to get a more modern looking coat considering the dude is wearing a Victorian age stlyle suit. but still. he looks good in it.

but this is definitely not cool. maybe it is in a twisted sort of way. but this is disgusting, sick, creepy, disturbing and very violent. did i forget to mention that this guy is a vampire? a rather powerful one at that. wooo.

nvm. go do work now. i can tell you are still living in your fantasies. so snap out of now! there is work thats waiting to be done!
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